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某些原则是我们成功的基础. 他们关注的是我们如何随着时间的推移加强、保护和发展我们的公司.
我们将以坚定的决心使这家公司成为我们的客户, 员工, 股东和社区可以为此感到自豪. 我们不能承诺具体的结果或无风险的结果. 不时地, 我们的努力可能会失败,如果发生这种情况, 我们将重申对这些原则的承诺,并加倍努力. What we can and will promise is to be truthful and give honest assessments of our businesses and prospects; act with integrity and honor; and do the right thing—not necessarily the easy or expedient thing.
"The strength of our company has allowed us to always be there for our clients and 社区 - in good times and in bad times - and this strength enables us to continually invest in building our businesses for the future."
杰米·戴蒙,澳博官方网站app董事长兼首席执行官 & Co.
两个多世纪以来, 澳博官方网站app一直为我们在世界各地的选民提供帮助. 在最艰难的时期,最需要强大的银行, 我们的支持从未动摇过, 我们从未忘记我们的主要使命:为客户服务. Our job is to always do right by them and consistently strive not only to meet their needs but also to exceed their expectations and continually make it easy for clients to do business with us.
和世界上任何一家公司一样, 我们在帮助个人, 各种规模的企业, 政府, 非营利组织和社区抓住了我们这个时代的机遇. 我们之所以能做到这一点,是因为我们已经建立了一个强大的公司——在全球范围内的影响力, 本地执行, with an impressive set of products and capabilities and a steadfast commitment to provide exceptional client service.
- Treat the customer the way you want to be treated and make sure you see everything from the customer’s eyes
- 阅读客户的投诉——做客户的拥护者
- 通过倾听客户并预测他们的需求来超越他们的期望, 使他们更容易与我们做生意
- Earn trust by always focusing on customers’ best interests; high-quality customers will grow along with the company
- Give customers a good, fair deal – offer high-quality, competitively priced products and services
- 考虑满足客户需求的全方位产品和服务, 适当时交叉销售
- Never allow short-term profit considerations to get in the way of doing what’s right for the customer
- Use our own products – when it comes to understanding the customer, nothing beats being a customer
We Are Field and Client Driven; We Operate at the Local Level
- 利用我们的规模作为在地方层面执行良好的优势
- Spend time in local markets to understand everything about the customer (and what the competition might be doing for him or her)
- 为该领域的决策提供所需的资源和权力
- 创新、测试和学习——我们知道有些想法会失败,这没关系
We Build World Class Franchises, Investing for the Long Term, to Serve Our Clients
- 做出正确的, long-term decisions that allow us to do well in the good times and withstand the tough times
- 为我们所做的感到骄傲
- 在我们所有的互动中都对客户做正确的事
- 确保我们的公司经得起时间的考验
和战略一样重要的是,我们必须执行才能赢. 执行涉及到每一位员工以及我们与客户的每一次接触. 细节决定成败. We must act quickly on problems; drive results, not just activities; and ensure detailed follow-up so that we meet our commitments.
- 用详细的平衡计分卡来衡量绩效
- 追求卓越,不要安于平庸
- 认识到团队合作也需要最大限度的个人努力
- 把自己和最好的人比较
- Stay hungry; competition is everywhere, 因此,你不能被哄骗而产生一种虚假的安全感——自满是致命的
我们要求财务严谨性和风险纪律. 我们将始终保持一个堡垒资产负债表
- Monitor, track and report the right things the right way — fix ineffective reporting
- 确保会计公正、准确和透明
- 创造资金灵活性,动态管理风险
- 还记得, we do not worry about the stock price or quarterly earnings in the short run; if you continue to build a great company, 股票价格会自然上涨的
- 与股东及彼此分享一致、全面的信息
- 使分析有纪律,真实,以事实为基础,专注于需要改进的地方
- 预见问题,准备解决方案
- Be a risk manager; raising red flags is every employee's responsibility
- 致力于企业范围的世界级治理、控制和遵从性
- Cultivate strong relationships with our regulators – be transparent, direct and respectful
- 建立安全第一的文化
- 确保我们的控制基础设施与我们的业务一样健壮
- 记住,良好的遵从性是良好的业务
- 为盈利、可持续、长期的增长而努力
- 精简管理,鼓励适当地无视等级制度
- Guard the firm’s resources; spend the firm’s money as if it were your own
- 明智地为未来投资——包括基础设施和人力
- 认识到竞争情报就是竞争优势
- 培养伙伴精神
- Ensure compensation is fair and fully transparent to senior management based on a balanced scorecard; any special deals should be minimized and for good reason
- 尊重并向你的员工/团队学习
- 提高效率,记住越精简越好
- 利用技术使操作快速简单
- 坚持不懈地减少浪费,消除不必要的官僚主义
- 成为专家,确保我们最了解我们的业务
- 严谨细致,持续跟进
- 保持强烈的职业道德,把工作做好
- Always strive for improvement and have the ability to drive change – make a list and get it done
- 以深思熟虑、协调一致的方式行动——不要匆忙或孤立
- Always fight complacency by analyzing our own actions and our own weaknesses; management should celebrate our successes, 但也要强调消极的一面
- Enforce a good decision-making process and eliminate “waste of time” meetings; stand up war rooms to get the right people in the room and kill bureaucracy
- 是否要坚持下去——就像锻炼身体或给花园除草一样
- Conduct regular, well-organized and thorough business reviews of functions and controls
- Work with energy and focus; take responsibility and deliver on commitments
- 确保每个角色、每个人、每个细节都有价值
- 每天进步一点——不断提高标准
- Deliver results; investigate, analyze and improve when problems arise
- Know the details, commit to follow-ups, and meet deadlines for clients and colleagues
- 以深思熟虑的速度管理变化
在商业领域,就像在其他领域一样,道德行为不是自然而然就会发生的. 它必须在整个组织中得到培养和反复肯定. At 澳博官方网站app, acting with integrity is paramount– and it applies to every aspect of our company. Maintaining the highest standards of integrity involves faithfully meeting our commitments to all our constituents – customers, 社区, 员工, 董事会, 股东, 监管者——也对我们自己.
- 即使不容易,也要做正确的事
- 对不道德行为零容忍
- 在你所有的交易中都要负责、坦率和诚实
- 遵守法律法规的精神和文字
- Look at the facts in a cold-blooded way; admit and learn from mistakes
- 承认消极因素
- 对所有观众只有一个真理
- 保留一套书
- 找到合适的人(这样就会找到最好的答案)
- 做任何事都有坚定的决心
- 表现出决心、韧性和坚韧
- 不要让暂时的挫折成为永久的借口
- 把错误和问题当作变得更好的机会,而不是放弃的理由
- 恰当地、尊重地对待所有人——从职员到首席执行官
- 在包容的工作环境和多元化的团队中脱颖而出
- Be open to different management and individual styles; there are many ways to be successful
- Respect people’s personal lives and show compassion when an employee is struggling
- 鼓励所有员工照顾好自己——他们的思想, body, 精神和灵魂——还有他们的朋友和家人
- Help each other – whether in serving clients or in navigating careers at the firm
- Have the humility to recognize that you don’t know everything – and foster an environment of openness, 信任与分享
- Hire and promote those people who deserve respect (would you let your kids report to them?)
- Have a deep acknowledgment of those who came before you – who helped pave the way and shape who we are
- Leverage our success in order to give back to the 社区 where we do business
- 做一个优秀的、积极参与的公民
- 把我们自己看作当地的小企业:了解我们的客户, 创造暑期工作,支持当地组织
最终,一切都归结于人. 创建一个成功的团队和自我维持的文化需要努力工作, 这是无可替代的. 球队赢球并不是因为他们有新球场或最吸引人的队服. 一些最好的球队甚至没有最有天赋的个人运动员. 团队成功是因为他们有纪律, 合作愉快, 始终如一地执行,并对胜利充满激情.
- 雇佣优秀的人才,并对他们进行良好的培训
- 鼓励每个人尽其所能
- 尊重每个人——每个人都很重要
- 鼓励终身学习和强烈的好奇心
- Acknowledge and reward high performers; that helps identify and develop leaders
- Recognize that we gain strength from a diverse workforce – embrace our differences
- 向我们的员工提供真相, 机会, 培训, 有意义的工作和承诺,建立一个健康的, 充满活力的公司
- Recognize that teamwork can mean both getting along and having the courage to stand alone and do the right thing
- Consistently provide honest and direct feedback; encourage people to say what is on their minds
- 消除障碍,促进团队的成功
- Put loyalty to the institution ahead of your or anyone else’s personal agenda; collaborate and act as if the company’s priorities are your own
- 互相服务,互相支持
- Know your people well; put them in the right jobs and assess them honestly
- 根据个人能力做出决定
- Deal with people issues; take action with non-performers
- Recognize that information is power; share it as quickly as possible
- Set clear goals and priorities, reinforce them, ensure follow-up and communicate progress often
- 鼓励建设性的、公开的辩论,并考虑不同的方法
- 推动达成决定,并推进一个议程
- 分享你对学习和知识的热情
- 明确强调重要信息
- 提供持续的反馈——告诉人们他们什么时候做得很好, 更重要的是, 当他们没有的时候
- 记住,领导是一种荣誉,也是一种责任
- 要明白领导是因人而异的
- Act quickly on tough issues and have the courage to fight for what you believe in
- 分享你对胜利的激情
- 支持那些愿意畅所欲言的人——鼓励建设性的挑战
- 公平,公正,愿意做正确的事,而不是容易的事
- 挑战现状:反对社会、种族和经济不平等
- Get the incentives right (but that is not enough; people must feel they are valued and their contributions are important)
- 成为你所在社区的领导者
- Strive for continual improvement – drive change and innovation and never stop learning
- 帮助我们的人民照顾好自己——他们的健康和精神